Barn Custom 22-250 Ackley Improved
The Crowmeister is a custom rifle made and accuritised at THE Barn and built to the custom specifications of Wayne. His aim was to have a long range varminting rifle with tack driving accuracy with maximum group sizes of ¼ inch M.O.A.
Chambered in .22-250 Ackley Improved, the rifle was built using top quality components sourced through The Barn.
Blueprinted Remington 700 action
Pillar bedded into a GRS Stock to match grade specifications.
Fluted No5 26 inch MADDCO barrel
Lumley Arms detachable box magazine (Not shown is some pictures)
Timney Elite Trigger
The Barn custom fluted bolt knob
Nightforce rings basses and optics
As any long range precision shooter will tell you, it doesn't matter how good the rifle is, it's nothing without a proven load being developed. This is where The Barn's experienced team comes into the picture. With a vast amount of knowledge and field experience our team can custom tailor a load to suit your rifle. For this particular project we found that the 69gr Sierra Match Kings being pushed by 41grains of AR2213SC @3350fps was near on the perfect load for the crowmeister. The final results speak for themselves, as promised 1/4 inch MOA and better, one very happy customer and his rifle.

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