Farmbot Water Level Monitor
The Farmbot Monitoring System was created to address a lack of easy to use, cost effective monitoring systems for farm infrastructure. It does not require any complex and expensive on-farm equipment. Farmbot uses Satellite technology and can be used anywhere. A 3G/4G version is also available for areas with reliable mobile service.
The problem:
Farms incur significant costs in the manual inspection of water storage for stock and irrigation. These costs include labour, wear and tear on machinery and losses when stock or crops go without water for even short periods. Our analysis has shown that on a typical farm the annual costs for monitoring a single tank is around $5,000.
The Solution:
The Farmbot Water Level Sensing service addresses this problem by providing a Web Dashboard with the status of water levels, trends and warnings. It also provides SMS alerts when user defined limits are breached. Farmbot provides detailed history of water levels which enables better understanding of the performance of the reticulation system and detection of leaks.
The Key Benefits:
• The current water level 24 x 7
• Detailed water level history (within 2cm accuracy)
• Daily aggregate rainfall showing daily, weekly, monthly totals with the option to export via CSV and other formats
• User configurable alerts delivered by SMS and on the system Dashboard warning of potential issues
• Management visibility of the status of all water sources and issues
• Better forecasting of water usage based on historical and trend data allowing for upgrades to reticulation systems before critical times such as herd expansion or hot weather
• Certainty of knowing that animal/crops have water. This provides peace of mind and more time to respond to issues before they impact the bottom line
• All you need is a sensor, your phone or PC or Tablet and you are ready to roll. There is no other equipment required
• Can be installed and operational in 10 minutes with no special skills required .