ATA Shotgun
About Graham: Graham is a member of Toowoomba clay target club and is widely known as one of the local ‘authorities’ on shotguns, be it trap or field. Now-a-days Graham primarily shoots trap however he has extensive experience shooting field/ sporting, and now shoots field mostly as an adjunct.
Graham reviewed the ATA 12 ga after shooting with it for around 6 months. Over 6 months of use Graham found the ATA 12ga shotgun to be a very good performer for field, sporting and skeet.
Made from Turkish Walnut with a chromed barrel and supplied with 5 interchangable chokes , Graham found the ATA 12ga to be a consistent and true shooter from the box. At this price the performance and aesthetics of the gun are unparalleled, and Graham maintains the gun is exceptional value for money and as good as guns at much higher price points. The gun is aesthetically pleasing, presented with detailed, deep engraving of game fowl in a swirled pattern on the receiver and side plates. The wood is a detailed with a striated appearance of high grade walnut timber and a smooth finish that is ergonomically designed and easy to hold and point.
The quality of the timber and the wood fit to the steel is excellent. There is superb quality in the machining and build. It is square and straight throughout. The hard chrome barrel limits corrosion and also enhances cleaning. The structure and finish of the firearm is excellent, in all aspects. Internal parts are extremely robust in manufacture, the mechanical trigger system functions exceptionally well and the Browning/Miroku style manual safety catch totally eliminates inadvertent changing of barrels. With other automatic barrel selection catches sometimes wear and tear can cause slippage and inadvertent barrel selection.
In 6 months of shooting, Graham has never experienced anything approaching a malfunction or hiccup.
“Overall the gun is exceptional value for money and as good as guns twice the price.” Graham was adamant he would have absolutely no hesitation in confirming this or recommending this gun.
The ATA 12ga comes with 5 sets of chokes, that are very easily changed with a key and are extended chokes which enable you to choose the appropriate choke pattern and minimises shot deformation.
Minimal forcing cone and 18.8mm over-bore barrel also minimise shot deformation. This improves accuracy and consistency in shooting, and the ability to control your choke selection enables you to shoot effectively, no matter what the situation. The chokes supplied with the firearm are more than adequate for skeet shooting, and apply aptly to every situation that they are designed for.
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